Herbie Popnecker

Herbie Popnecker
Examples of Recurring Themes

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Page Header, with Links to Examples and a Catalog of Stories

Herbie Comic Covers
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Herbie, disguised as a fairy

Herbie Popnecker Examples:
Miscellaneous Collections


Colections of Images from Herbie Comics, including covers, indicia, splash pages for each story, ending-panels for each story, examples for use in a calendar, uncaptioned panels, errors, ads, Herbie's back story and evolution, and information about the creators of Herbie.

Index terms: covers, thumbnails, indicia, splash pages, end panels, calendar, fill in the blank, uncaptioned, errors, ads, advertisements, background, back story, evolution, artist, writer, Richard E. Hughes, Ogden Whitney

1. Comic Cover Pages

All covers in the 1950s to 1960s were by Ogden Whitney unless otherwise noted. Seven were by Kurt Schaffenberger.
Created: 2005-10-12   Updated: 2012-04-26
Examples: 42

2. Thumbnails of Covers

All covers in the 1950s to 1960s were by Ogden Whitney unless otherwise noted. Seven were by Kurt Schaffenberger.
Created: 2005-10-13   Updated: 2012-04-25
Examples: 42

3. Publication Indicia

The indicia of a publication includes the official name of the publication, its publication date, information regarding editorial governance of the publication (from Wikipedia).
Created: 2005-11-17   Updated: 2012-05-01
Examples: 29
"Make Way for the Fat Fury!"
Story: ... and what a story ... Shane O'Shea
Art: ... and what art ... Ogden Whitney
15 pages   61 examples   (4.1 / page)

4. Story Splash Pages

This page shows the "splash pages" from the first page of all 52 Herbie stories. There are five stories from Forbidden Worlds + 46 stories from 23 Herbie comics + 3 non-Hughes/Whitney stories from the 1990s + a cameo appearance in Unknown Worlds #20 in 1962.
Created: 2005-10-13   Updated: 2012-08-31
Examples: 55

5. Story-Ending Panels

Herbie stories end with a final panel or two, often with one or more recurring themes, and almost always with Herbie. This page shows the ending panels from all 52 Herbie stories.
Created: 2012-01-20   Updated: 2012-06-18
Examples: 52

6. Calendar Examples

These examples show Herbie in different seasons and dates.
Created: 2008-12-18   Updated: 2020-04-07
Examples: 29

7. Uncaptioned Panels

Test your knowledge of Herbie by guessing the original captions. Or add your own.
Created: 2012-02-21   Updated: 2014-11-17
Examples: 18

8. Easy Knowledge Quiz

Here is an easy quiz to test your familiarity with basic Herbiology™.
Created: 2013-01-11   Updated: 2013-03-16
Examples: 10

9. Intermediate Knowledge Quiz

Test your Herbiology™ knowledge of these Herbie lookalikes.
Created: 2013-01-14   Updated: 2013-03-16
Examples: 10

10. Errors

Errors in Herbie comics included animals appearing out of their natural habitats, typos, and factual errors, often accompanied by letters to the editor.
Created: 2005-10-12   Updated: 2012-05-29
Examples: 16

11. Advertisements

Herbie ads ran in other ACG comics such as Forbidden Worlds (FW), Adventures into the Unknown (AITU), and Unknown Worlds (UW). Herbie ads in Herbie comics gave a preview of the next issue.
Created: 2012-02-17   Updated: 2013-01-14
Examples: 17

12. Background

Herbie's backstory is revealed throughout the Herbie series, sometimes as an offhand remark. This page describes Herbie's early life, lollipop powers, and the origin of the Fat Fury.
Created: 2012-03-11   Updated: 2012-08-31
Examples: 14

13. Evolution of Herbie

Herbie First appeared in Forbidden Worlds in 1958, but did not get his own comic until 1964. Even by 1964, he was still evolving. His shape changed, even between the two stories in Herbie #1. His speech changed. Even his face changed. And so did the humor in Herbie stories.
Created: 2012-03-03   Updated: 2012-08-31
Examples: 27

14. Herbie's Creators

Herbie was developed by Richard E. Hughes, who wrote the Herbie stories under the pseudonym Shane O'Shea, and Ogden Whitney, who did the artwork.
Created: 2012-03-16   Updated: 2012-04-27
Examples: 6

15. Publications about Herbie

Articles published about Herbie Comics, creators Richard E. Hughes and Ogden Whitney, and maybe more.
Created: 2013-02-17   Updated: 2013-03-17
Examples: 9

16. Similarities with Jay Ward Productions

There are many similarities between Herbie comics and Jay Ward productions like Rocky & Bullwinkle. Herbie and Boris Badenov both wear disguises. Herbie and Mr. Peabody both travel back in time to debunk history. Fractured fairy tales, famous on Rocky and Bullwinkle, are occasionally the setting for a Herbie story. Even animal love appears in Herbie comics and in Dudley Do-Right cartoons.
Created: 2012-04-20   Updated: 2012-09-01
Examples: 44